Nudges: un pequeño empujón a la regulación. Su aplicación en las políticas contra la covid-19

  • David de la Torre Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Keywords: nudges, regulation, COVID-19


This paper seeks to spread the concept of “Nudges”, which initially belonged to behavioral science and, specifically, to behavioral economy, along with its usage and influence in Government’s regulation and public policies, as well as its application in public policies against COVID-19 in the world.   For this purpose, the author wishes to popularize the concept of “Regulation” in a broader sense, not only as a state function, but as a method of public action in society.   Finally, the author will present some examples and its implementation of “Nudges” against COVID-19 in Perú and other countries.


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How to Cite
de la Torre, D. (2021). Nudges: un pequeño empujón a la regulación. Su aplicación en las políticas contra la covid-19. Revista Derecho Público Económico, 2(2).