¿Es posible el arbitraje de consumo para resolver las controversias entre empresas prestadoras de servicios públicos de telecomunicaciones y los consumidores?

  • Alejandro Moscol Salinas Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Keywords: telecommunications, public services, arbitration, consumption, administrative procedure


The administrative claim procedure has prevailed as a mechanism for resolving disputes between the operating companies of public telecommunications services and its users. However, in accordance with the Public Policy for consumer protection established in the Consumer Protection and Defense Code, alternative mechanisms can be implemented for better protection of consumers.   This paper explores the possibility of implementing consumer arbitration to resolve these disputes, and identifies the advantages and disadvantages of the current model of administrative claims and consumer arbitration. An academic space is opened with the purpose of showing that the current procedural model can be reviewed and that there are other forms of conflict resolution and consumer protection.


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How to Cite
Moscol Salinas, A. (2021). ¿Es posible el arbitraje de consumo para resolver las controversias entre empresas prestadoras de servicios públicos de telecomunicaciones y los consumidores?. Revista Derecho Público Económico, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.18259/dpe.2022008