¿Puede el tribunal de contrataciones del Estado realizar el control difuso de las normas legales mediante acuerdos de sala plena?

  • Victoria Pérez Aguilar Universidad Continental
Keywords: constitutional control, sanctioning activity, Constitutional State of Law


This article seeks to analyze the possibility that the Hirings Court of the State may perform diffused control of the legal norms, specifically of the State Hirings norm, materializing said control through the agreements of Sala Plena. Said analysis is performed since the emission of the agreement of Sala Plena 003-2021/TCE dated March 19th, 2021, that modifies the interpretative criteria embodied in the agreement of Sala Plena 08-2020/TCE related to the reach of the impediments established in the literals a), b), c), d) and e) of numeral 11.1 in article 11 of TUO fromlaw 30225, for the practice of teaching.


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How to Cite
Pérez Aguilar, V. (2021). ¿Puede el tribunal de contrataciones del Estado realizar el control difuso de las normas legales mediante acuerdos de sala plena?. Revista Derecho Público Económico, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.18259/dpe.2022010