Bioblokart "life with cardboard blocks"

  • Giampierre Huachohuilca Arizapana Universidad Continental
  • Tania Anccasi Anccasi Universidad Continental
  • Danilo Mandujano Chavez Universidad Continental
  • Flor Arela Jurado Universidad Continental
  • Nancy Montañez Universidad Continental


Bioblokart is a block that was manufactured through an optimal dosage of water, cardboard and cement that was found from multiple tests of concrete technology, is a mixture that is compressed in a mold and with a natural shape without fire. With this process an ecological alternative is made that does not release CO2 in its production and that is more economical since it comes from reusable resources such as cardboard and that can be obtained more easily for its production. It also reduces the weight of the building by decreasing the amount of steel and concrete; managing to reduce the dimensions of the structural elements generating more space in the environments and greater height between floors. Increasing productivity, decreases the construction time which there is an economic savings. Finally, Bioblokart is a block that aims to lighten the weight of roofs, up to 30 % compared to conventional clay brick. It is also facilitates production, generates reduction in costs in the construction process and reduces oversizing of structural elements.


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How to Cite
G. Huachohuilca Arizapana, T. Anccasi Anccasi, D. Mandujano Chavez, F. Arela Jurado, and N. Montañez, “Bioblokart "life with cardboard blocks"”, Rev.Ing., vol. 3, no. 1, Jun. 2018.
Artículos de investigación