Automatic alcohol spray device for hand disinfection in prevention of COVID-19

  • César Augusto Blas Universidad Continental
  • Jason Moisés Alnaya Universidad Continental
  • Jhon Stalin Figueroa Universidad Continental
  • Michelle Sofía Gutierrez Universidad Continental


The objective of this project was to contribute to the proper disinfection of hands by creating an automatic device for spraying alcohol to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The device was made of cardboard throughout the exterior design, covered with waterproofing paint to prevent deterioration and a drainage system for excess atomized liquid, it also has a tank specially designed for the alcohol warehouse, which is automatically sprayed at insert your hands into the device by the action of DC motors that are activated by an HCSR04 ultrasonic sensor and the integrated NE555, its action time being regulated by a potentiometer.

The development of the project results in an autonomous mechanism with the ability to carry out the correct disinfection in case of covid-19 virus in the hands, by the direct application of alcohol in two opposite points of its interior, precisely and with the quantity adequate. Its importance lies in preventing contagion by touching the face with contaminated hands and in avoiding contact with a possibly infected surface such as a common dispenser or a sink, in crowded places such as educational centers, banks or shopping centers, thanks to its automatic operation.


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How to Cite
C. Augusto Blas, J. Moisés Alnaya, J. Stalin Figueroa, and M. Sofía Gutierrez, “Automatic alcohol spray device for hand disinfection in prevention of COVID-19”, Rev.Ing., vol. 5, no. 1, Jun. 2020.
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