The contribution of legal research

  • Halley Lopez Zaldívar Universidad Continental
Keywords: contribution, research, editorial


To begin with, every student of law or lawyer must —necessarily— carry out research activities as an important complement to the exercise of the profession or aiming at it. Of course, we are referring to those facts in which the undergraduate students has not fully devoted his time to academic activity; in such a context research is an essential and irreplaceable element of academic development.

The importance of this task revolves around two essential products: on the one hand, it will allow to identify the academic level that the legal researcher has achieved and, therefore, his degree of responsibility in his professional training and updating of knowledge of the rules, principles, doctrines and decisions that make up the law. For separate, it provides an activity of didactic of its own that will provide critical elements necessary for the analysis and use of legal categories during the exercise, telling the community of its capacity for the proper use of legal tools.

In this section we intend to don’t achieve a definition of legal research or guidelines for the procedure that the investigator must follow. Our objective is to make visible the importance of research as an instrument for the reinforcement of professional practice and not as an activity of those who dedicate their careers to the academy and study of law.

The Law is a changing system, where research is the weapon to achieve an appropriate monitoring of this phenomenon.


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How to Cite
Lopez Zaldívar, H. (2016). The contribution of legal research. Ius Et Tribunalis, 1(1).