The fight against money laundering: are we moving forward or backward? Are «our authorities really fighting against crime»? What are we missing?

  • Shirley Muñico Patilla Universidad Continental
  • Queni Rebatta Chirre Universidad Continental
  • Pool Orihuela Quispe Universidad Continental
  • Andrea Cornelio Montero Universidad Continental


Currently the crime of assets has taken center stage in the national news due to the multiple scandals in which several political figures of the country have been involved, from a critical point of view and combined with our reality we see that without a doubt the lack of preparation of the civil and public servants who are dedicated to the fight against organized crime, carries with it a demerit, while the fiscal activity goes by small steps the criminal activity goes faster. Will it be that our state institutions, whose function is to fight against the laundering of assets and other organized ways of committing crimes, are contaminated?, the situation is alarming because not only the commission of illicit acts is left to the free will of the criminals, but indirectly they are left with the faculty of determining the advance or deterioration of economic in a country, propitiating more and more the creation of economic paradises. Are «our authorities really fighting against crime»? What are we missing?.


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How to Cite
Muñico Patilla, S., Rebatta Chirre, Q., Orihuela Quispe, P., & Cornelio Montero, A. (2018). The fight against money laundering: are we moving forward or backward? Are «our authorities really fighting against crime»? What are we missing?. Ius Et Tribunalis, 1(1).