The pathological clauses in the arbitral agreements

  • Adamary Gabriel Tomas Universidad Continental
  • Milena Santos Sánchez Universidad Continental
  • Anthony Villegas Porras Universidad Continental


The article analyzes the pathological clauses that are sometimes presented in the arbitral agreements and which constitute a disadvantage for the normal development of arbitration, and for that reason the following paper will cover the antecedents of the arbitral agreement, the principles that frames it, and its treatment in the Peruvian legislation, so that it will develop with the greater amplitude and understanding the pathologies in the arbitral agreements, the legal effects that produce and the solution to this problem.


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How to Cite
Gabriel Tomas, A., Santos Sánchez, M., & Villegas Porras, A. (2018). The pathological clauses in the arbitral agreements. Ius Et Tribunalis, 1(1).

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