Linguistic Diversity: A Reason to be Proud or to be Social Excluded? an Analysis from the Perspective of the Right to Equality

  • Vanessa Herrera Noriega Universidad Continental


Currently, from the political, social and cultural field, the expression of equality and social inclusion is widely used, this term aims to vindicate the excluded minorities, including the indigenous populations, who, for many years, even centuries, were relegated to the status of second-class citizens. Based on this, the legislative and executive power have been proposing legal regulations as part of public policies that offer protection and shelter to these populations, aiming to reduce the inequality gap. Unfortunately, these attempts to generate the much-acclaimed «social inclusion» have been vanished by the lack of access to information of certain populations whose main characteristic is to speak an indiginous language; which implies a loss of opportunities in different areas necessary for human and social development.


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How to Cite
Herrera Noriega, V. (2021). Linguistic Diversity: A Reason to be Proud or to be Social Excluded? an Analysis from the Perspective of the Right to Equality. Ius Et Tribunalis, 1(1). Retrieved from