Peruvian Constitutional Rights, a Parenthesis to Justice, Protection and Praxis

  • César Del Bueno Tuesta Universidad Peruana Los Andes
Keywords: Constitutional rights, constitutional justice, constitutional procedural law, human dignity, jurisprudence, internal law


This research article proposes a guarantee approach, exposing Peruvian constitutional rights, giving a scope to the study of human dignity, without discriminating against any right, whether written or passed by the constitutional court (rights not listed), according to In the same way, the analysis of constitutional justice, the unleashing of the popular debate of what was requested, what was interpreted and what was sentenced, is the criterial idealism of what should or should not be recognized as a violation, our country continues to fall into the questioning of who is right regarding the safeguarding of rights, if they are the conservative thinkers or the new progressive scholars, the truth is that everything is related to the constitutional parameters that are the basis of all research in this matter, constitutional history, application and procedure Under the current regulations and the jurisprudence drawn up under the order of its magistrates, everything exposed attends to a set of principles and premises that make this country a state of law, the primacy of its constitution and the function of its executors.


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How to Cite
Del Bueno Tuesta, C. (2022). Peruvian Constitutional Rights, a Parenthesis to Justice, Protection and Praxis. Ius Et Tribunalis, 1(1). Retrieved from