The Violation of the Right to a Fair and Dignified Pension: The Case of the Unemployed and Retired of the 19990 Law in Peru

  • Luis Rosado Huamán
Keywords: Fair and dignified pension, Law19990, Unemployed and retired persons, Quality of Life, ONP


This article is based on two fundamental ideas: the right to a fair and dignified pension, and the violation of this right in the case of unemployed and retired from the 19990 law in Peru.

He talks about the current situation of retirees and unemployed from Decree Law 19990 in Peru, in terms of the perception of a fair and dignified remuneration from a legal perspective. Likewise, the article proposes possible solutions or improvements to guarantee a fair and dignified pension. In general, the article addresses an important and relevant issue for society, raising the need to guarantee a fair and dignified pension for workers who have contributed to the pension system throughout their working lives.

In the same way, the implications of this situation in the lives of the unemployed and retired affected are pointed out. Finally, some possible alternatives to solve this problem are explored, including legislative and public policy reform to guarantee the right to a fair and dignified pension for the unemployed and retired from the 19990 law in Peru.


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How to Cite
Rosado Huamán, L. (2022). The Violation of the Right to a Fair and Dignified Pension: The Case of the Unemployed and Retired of the 19990 Law in Peru. Ius Et Tribunalis, 1(1). Retrieved from