Peer evaluation process

The submitted articles will be subjected to the following editorial process:

The articles received will be evaluated by the Editor, the Scientific/Editorial Committee, the Editor and the Editorial Assistant, who will determine whether or not they will be sent for peer evaluation. If the manuscript meets the thematic requirements, in addition to the editorial standards indicated in the Guidelines for Authors and the Editorial Policy , it will be sent to two referees (peer evaluators external to the publishing institution) who will determine anonymously:

  1. publish without changes
  2. publish after making adjustments, whether minor or major; and
  3. do not post

In case of disagreement between the referees, the text will be sent to a third party, whose decision will define its publication.

The article arbitration process is carried out in a double-blind manner, which guarantees the confidentiality and anonymity of both the authors and the evaluators.

When an article or manuscript is classified as "publishable with adjustments", the supporting concept or concepts will be sent to the author for proposed amendments.

  • Evaluation times: The evaluation process of a document takes around six (6) months between the call for evaluators, their acceptance and delivery of the concept. This period may be longer  or less and depends mainly on the achievement of the relevant evaluator, your notification of acceptance of the evaluator and your promptness in submitting the concept.
  • Submission of corrections: If peer concepts suggest slight modifications, authors should stick to a timeline not to exceed eight (8) weeks. If an article receives concepts that involve substantial modifications, and the committee estimates that it can be accepted for a new cycle of evaluations, the authors will have to submit their adjustments within a period of no more than 16 weeks. In all cases, an attached report must be submitted relating the changes that were made to the proposal.
  • Rejection of articles: The purpose of the evaluation process in The Journal  Ius et tribunalis, in addition to validating advances in knowledge in our thematic areas, is to offer an opportunity to authors to improve their proposals and refine their approaches, towards the construction of more solid articles. In this sense, we hope that authors benefit from the reviewers' comments when their document is rejected for publication.

Although the Journal is willing to receive revised articles, authors are asked not to resubmit a corrected version of a rejected article until the next call. The author must inform the editor in detail that the article has been restructured in accordance with previous comments. The editor will inform the authors of the time they will have to wait if they express interest in resubmitting their article. The definitive rejection of an article will occur when it does not correspond to the editorial line or theme of the Journal .

Notes of Interest: The Editor and the Editorial Committee of the Journal  Ius et tribunalis , are the instances that decide the publication of the originals. We clarify that sending material does not require its publication. Format and presentation errors, non-compliance with the journal's rules or incorrect spelling and syntax may be grounds for rejecting the work without passing it on to evaluation.

Journal  Ius et tribunalis may make public, if it has verified them, the following bad scientific practices: plagiarism, falsification or invention of data, individual appropriation of collective authorship and duplicate publication. For this purpose, all articles are submitted to the Turnitin anti-plagiarism software .

Sending an article to an evaluation process does not obligate the editorial board of the journal. Ius et tribunalis to make the publication.

Articles will be received taking into account the dates established in the calls.

If the coordination of the Journal  does not acknowledge receipt of a job application within a period of eight (8) days or if you have not received a response to any type of message within that period, please direct your message to the email: pe

When an article is approved, the author(s) transfers the publication rights to the Journal . Ius et tribunalis.

Articles published in Ius et tribunalis cannot appear in any mass media without citing the previous publication. In the case of compilation publications, the authors must request express authorization from The Journal.