Sustainable tourism before glacial retreat, case Huaytapallana, Junín

  • Tiber Cano Camayo Universidad Peruana Los Andes
Keywords: Global climate change, deglaciation, traditional tourism, pollution, degradation, tourism managment plan, cargo capacity


Perú is a privileged country, due to the presence of frozen áreas (snowy) at altitudes that reach more than 5 000 m s.n.m. as it is the case of the snowy Huaytapallana in the departamento of Junín; in a study with data from past and present, the retreat of the glaciers in Perú is confirmed, in the Huaytapallna this retreat occurs at a rate of 8,2 m/year, this predicts a critical future in the wáter supply for both the región Junín as for other places in the country. The cause of this retreat are diverse as climate change for human activities, within them irresponsible mining, unsustainable tourism; generating negative impacts to the Huaytapallana mountain; through a traditional tourism, without calaculation of tourist load capacity, pollution is generated, consequently degradation of the natural área (disapperarance of Huaytapallna) and at the same time causes discomfort, dissatisfaction and tourist insecurity.


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How to Cite
Cano Camayo, T. (2018). Sustainable tourism before glacial retreat, case Huaytapallana, Junín. Naturaleza Y Sociedad, 1(1). Retrieved from
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