The thousand-year-old camelidae family and the Nevado Huaytapallana

  • María Del Carmen Durand Mayta Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
  • Alejandro Paytán Condori Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
Keywords: South american camelids, ruminants, natural hábitat, genetic resource


The Snowy Huaytapallana is the main source of life for innumerable living beings, as well as for the Millenary Camelidae Family; its waters are used for human consumption, agricultural activities and for industry. The technical, ecological, social and economic factors guarantee a greater bnefit to the villager in the breeding of alpacas, llamas and vicuñas in highandean spaces to contribute to the welfare of small producers and the surrounding environment, mostly of very scare resources, since there is a need to pay due attention to reduce the mortality of young and adults of the South American camelids, as well as the impact of parasitic and infectious diseases on the productive functions, the rational and sustainable use of natural resources; the meadwos are the base of the feeding of the camelids, the sustainability of the system depends on the rational management of this resource. Outside the native meadows there is the possibility of cultivating forage species with higher yield and nutritional value in regins near 4 000 m altitude.


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How to Cite
Durand Mayta, M. D. C., & Paytán Condori, A. (2018). The thousand-year-old camelidae family and the Nevado Huaytapallana. Naturaleza Y Sociedad, 1(1). Retrieved from
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