Formation of environmental values: an unrenounceable need

  • Waldemar Cerrón Rojas Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
Keywords: Environnental values, global warming, citizen education


The last visit to the Huaytapallana snowy with a group of studies of the Doctoral Section of the Postgraduate Unit of the Faculty of Forestry and Environment of the UNCP, meant to assume with more science and strength the unwavering need to train in the present and future generations the practice of environmental values. The consequences of global warming and the productive activities of men, conscious or not of pollution alter the environmental balance abruptly, as is the case of the deglaciation of snow. The formation of environmental values as any other, is directly linked to the Politics and Law, fundamental components of the regulation of social organizations on issues such as citizenship education, education at all levels and breadth of knowledge, sustainable development, training of labor and technological culture based on responsability, solidarity and respect, fundamental pillars of moral values.


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How to Cite
Cerrón Rojas, W. (2018). Formation of environmental values: an unrenounceable need. Naturaleza Y Sociedad, 1(1). Retrieved from
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