Efficiency analysis of the usage of the the dominant diameters in the local index construction curves with five analytical methods

  • Juan Baselly Villanueva Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca
  • Gianmarco Goycochea Casas Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca
  • Helio Garcia Leite Universidade Federal de Vicosa, Brasil
  • Ana Albuquerque Santos Universidade Federal de Vicosa, Brasil
  • Carlos Araujo Júnior Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil
  • Aline Mazon de Alcântara En Genheira Forestal
Keywords: Site quality, Local index, Key diameter at breast height


The site quality of plantations is estimated mainly by the local index used in forest management for growth and production models. The indices are obtained by mathematical models using variable Height dominant (Hd), however to obtain the measurements of this variable, its demands many economic resources at permanent plots inventories. In the present research, it was determined the efficiency of five Analytical Methods usage in the local Index estimation using the dominant Height (Hd) and the dominant Dap variable (Dapd) by a comparison in the local index station of the plots; being adjusted the models with the Software Statistica. The local indices method is the one that has given the best result, preliminarily defined with 23 % variation in the classification of plots as a function of the classification with the variable Hd. This method was adjusted with the Richards model, obtaining a coefficient of correlation between the observed data and the estimated 0,982. The dominant Dap variable can be used in the estimation of site quality.


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How to Cite
Baselly Villanueva, J., Goycochea Casas, G., Garcia Leite, H., Albuquerque Santos, A., Araujo Júnior, C., & Mazon de Alcântara, A. (2018). Efficiency analysis of the usage of the the dominant diameters in the local index construction curves with five analytical methods. Naturaleza Y Sociedad, 1(1). Retrieved from https://journals.continental.edu.pe/index.php/natsoc/article/view/542
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