Food algae to improve the nutritional quality of meat products

  • Brita Anaya González
  • Elbert Hermoza Valdivia
Keywords: Food algae, nutritional quality, meat products.


Objectives: To improve the nutritional quality of meat products through food algae. Methods: Experimental Basic research, with a randomized design. The population was formed by various meat types: beef, lamb, pork and alpaca; and algae: Nostoc sp. known as nostoc, Gigartina chamissoi (qochayuyo) and Ulva sp. (yuyo) that arrive in the Nery García market from Huamanga, Ayacucho department’s capital. The sample was formed by 2 kg of each meat and algae type. Nutrient determination was based on the AOAC (Official Methods of Analysis methods. Results: 5 mixtures of different meat and algae proportions were compared, the found difference was significant between caloric value content (P = 0,000) and nutritional (P = 0,000). Mixture A was the ideal with a protein percentage of 31,87 g%, fats with a value of 12,95 g%, lower than what meat have which is favorable for a disease risk reduction. The carbohydrates percentage is 7,10 g% low amount, but with good fiber tenor of 16,00 g%, extremely important for peristalsis and the digestive system proper functioning. The ash quantity of 4,02 g% means that there is a good essential minerals supply for the body. Conclusions: Nutritional quality of meat products were improved by adding algae, with a satisfactory caloric value of 272,43 kcal/100g, and the nutritional value of 2,41 identifies it as highly nutritious.


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How to Cite
Anaya González, B., & Hermoza Valdivia, E. (2014). Food algae to improve the nutritional quality of meat products. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 4(2).
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