Carbon storage in natural pastures of the Canipaco subbasin, Huancayo

  • Christian Quispe Navarro Universidad Continental
  • Fernando Quispe Contreras Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
  • Raul Yaranga Cano Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
Keywords: Carbon, natural pastures, biomass, storage


The objective is to evaluate the correlation of aerial and root biomass weights of the Calamagrostis vicunarum, Festuca dolichophylla and Muhlenbergia ligularis species and their carbon storage capacities. The data collection was realized in three representative areas taking into account factors such as vegetative physiognomy, physiography, topography and exposure to cardinal points, called them I, II and III zones, corresponding to three different towns, which were evaluated using the simple sampling with systematic distribution method. The sampling units were square plots of 4m². The vegetative samples removal were taken randomly from the plots, then washed and aired at environmental temperature in a closed room before being transferred to laboratories for the final drying, weighed biomass and carbon content analysis. The inventory data processing for the biomass estimating and correlations was by species and areas, then from the biomass results and by the conversion factor were calculated the stored carbon content. As results, we can note that the stored carbon average are: Calamagrostis vicunarum: 0,754 tC/ha; Festuca dolicophylla: 1,638 tC/ha and Muhlenbergia ligularis: 0,743 tC/ha. In conclusion, because of the correlation significance, the air biomass weight may allow root biomass weight estimation. The stored carbon average for these three species together reaches 3,14 tC/ha.


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How to Cite
Quispe Navarro, C., Quispe Contreras, F., & Yaranga Cano, R. (2015). Carbon storage in natural pastures of the Canipaco subbasin, Huancayo. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 5(2), 218 - 227.
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