Program “Vida” for the development of attitudes on environmental sustainability in students of the Alas Peruanas University - Huancayo subsidiary

  • Manuel Chenet Zuta Universidad Alas Peruanas - Filial Huancayo
  • Dulio Oseda Gago Universidad Alas Peruanas - Filial Huancayo
Keywords: Program, development, attitudes, influence, environmental sustainability, students, university.


Objectives: To determine in what measure the Program "Vida" for attitudes the develop ment influences in the environmental sustainability in students of the Business Sciences Faculty of Alas Peruanas University - Huancayo subsidiary in 2011. Methods: The investigation is an applied research, quasi-experimental design with two nonequivalent groups. The population was formed by 290 students of the Business Sciences Faculty, of the Alas Peruanas University - Huancayo subsidiary. The sample was census. Respecting the design two groups were formed: experimental and control; the first group was applied the Program "Vida" and the second not. The measurements were done in two moments: pre-test and post-test. Results: It has been demonstrated with a confidence level of 95% and 5% error margin, exists statistically significant differences between experimental and control group in the post test tending to 0,0 therefore, it can affirm that the program "Vida" for the attitudes development influences significantly in the environmental sustainability in the Business Sciences faculty students of the Alas Peruanas University - Huancayo subsidiary in 2011. Conclusions: The statistical testing allowed to prove that the program "Vida" increased favorable the attitudes in the environmental sustainability in the Business Sciences faculty students of the Alas Peruanas University - Huancayo subsidiary in 2011.


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How to Cite
Chenet Zuta, M., & Oseda Gago, D. (2011). Program “Vida” for the development of attitudes on environmental sustainability in students of the Alas Peruanas University - Huancayo subsidiary. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 1(2). Retrieved from
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