Ethics and Politics of Public Function

  • Miguel Villalobos Caballero
Keywords: Peruvian republic, public management, bureaucracy, underdevelopment


In the history of the Peruvian and Latín American republics it is noticed that it is not yet posible to get out of social underdevelopment, there are still in many places of South America serious illiteracy, poverty, sickness and unemployment indexes in detriment of the economic and social progress of the peoples, which raises the question What to do? We think that these social ills are the responsability of our political, judicial, social or other authorities, because they did not prioritize good public management capable of emerging from social underdevelopment, in that sense ethics and politics with a power of the state well guided can give a positive turn to public managment, that is, those procedures of public administration that instead of achieving the common good ended in a bureaucratic evil, that is, in a goverment power worn without goals that do not build. So now ethics and politics should be democratic and social tools of state power to get out of underdevelopment, understanding ethics as a guide to do the right thing in search of values and principles that contain social peace, legal security, common well-being, freedom and human dignity, that is, ethical values and goals that fight against a greedy and prejudiced society product of certain estimative illness that does not cannel, nor prioritize the real change that must exist in all public management in favor of the peoples.


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How to Cite
Villalobos Caballero, M. (2017). Ethics and Politics of Public Function. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 7(1).
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