Judicial framework legal of desertification: Tingopaccha, Junín case

  • Isabel Castro Poma Universidad Continental
  • Camila Miranda Peralta
  • Mariela Pedrosa Siméon
  • Dante Rivera Romero
  • Mary Sánchez Valentín
  • Emma Jaramillo Cabrera
Keywords: Degradation, monoculture, maca, change of land use, ecosystem


The present investigation included a study of the legal framework, national and international, that regulates a problem that was thought alien to our reality, desertification, consisting of the degradation of the earth. However, as the law has to be analyzed in a casuistic form, reference was made to the case raised in the peasant community of Tingopaccha, Acolla annex, province of Jauja-Junín, originated by the monoculture of maca in large extensions. So that, when the field work took place it was observed that damage in the places of Juchupampa, it was more serious than mentioned in the administrative file. Nevertheless, in spite of the mediatic nature of this problem, it could be proven that it still exists, since monocultures of maca are still being carried out, even in virgin lands. Nevertheless, in spite of the mediatic nature of this problem, it could be proven that it still exists, since monocultures of maca are still being carried out, even in virgin lands. In this way, it was possible to corroborate that there are many legal instruments that can cope with desertification, such as: the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, the 2008-2018 Strategic Plan, the Forestry and Wildlife Law, the National Strategy to Combat Desertifications 2016-2030, among others. In conclusion, the problem lies not in the legal system but in the legal operators that apply it; likewise, that in order to combat this, beyond the existence of a pecuniary sanction, it is necessary that this behavior be sanctioned as an offense, considering the monoculture as an aggravating circumstance.


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How to Cite
Castro Poma, I., Miranda Peralta, C., Pedrosa Siméon, M., Rivera Romero, D., Sánchez Valentín, M., & Jaramillo Cabrera, E. (2017). Judicial framework legal of desertification: Tingopaccha, Junín case. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 7(2). https://doi.org/10.18259/acs.2017026
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