Students ‘academic performance of Beca 18 (National Fellowship Program) in the Universidad Continental

  • Oscar Navarro Ramos Universidad Continental
Keywords: Academic performance, grant holders, Beca 18, Scholarship National Program


The goal was to identify the academic performance of the grant holders from the Beca 18 Scholarship National Program, and compare it with that of regular students of the Continental University in the 2014 - II semester. The study was of cross-sectional descriptive design. The students in this research were grant holders, and non-scholarship students who began their first cycle in 2014-II. Both groups shared the same academic activities, attended seven subjects with the same teachers, infrastructure, and educational resources, and were treated under the same conditions. Among the findings of this study, of the 5 top students from eleven professional careers registered in the first cycle, 3 were regular students and 2 were grant holders; in contrast within the top 10 students, 4 were regulars and 6 were fellows. Some conclusions indicate that the grant holders which started their studies in architecture and ten Engineering professional careers, achieved high academic performance and showed greater effort in learning by getting good grades at the Continental University, the Beca 18 tutors played an important role contributing in the grants positive academic results.


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How to Cite
Navarro Ramos, O. (2015). Students ‘academic performance of Beca 18 (National Fellowship Program) in the Universidad Continental. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 5(1).
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