Performance evaluation of teachers of the Faculty of Engineering of Mines of the Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
The general objective was to describe the performance of the teachers of the Faculty of Mines Engineering of the Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú. This work corresponds to a descriptive level, not experimental. The population was: students (466), teachers (26), graduates (30), administrative (04), authorities (04). The technique used was the sampling, as a data collection instrument the teacher performane questionnaire was used, which was submitted to the reliability test of Crombachs Alpha. Some results of the teaching performance, regarding the mastery of the subject 40,6 % qualifies as very good, in vocation 17,3 % as good, attendance and punctuality 14,2 % as excellent, concern and understanding of the problems of the students 19, 5 % as good. The global analysis was carried out considering the following dimensions, ease of learning with 7 items, emotionality with 4 items; Labor responsibility with 3 items; interpersonal relationships with their students with 3 items and results of their educational work with 1 item; In general terms, we can consider that the 18 items under evaluation, 100% is rated as good, very good and excellent, so we can infer that in terms of teaching performance, this variable is rated as good. In conclusion, the teaching performance of the Faculty of Mines Engineering is in the grade of good, in all the areas evaluated. In the opinion of the students, the educational quality is satisfactory with a tendency to be efficient and effective.
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