Impact of the usage of the Moodle Virtual Platform in the teaching and learning process in the Continental University

  • Carlos Peralta Santa Cruz Universidad Continental
  • Carlos Calderon Sedano Universidad Continental
  • Carol Rojas Moreno Universidad Continental
Keywords: Moodle Virtual Platform, teaching, learning.


Objectives: To determine the impact of the usage of the Moodle Virtual Platform in the teaching and learning process of all professional careers undergraduate students of the Continental University. Methods: The research is of explorative and descriptive type. The population is formed by all undergraduate students enrolled in the 2011-I semester, that corresponds to 6 370 students of the diverse professionals careers of the Continental University; a non probability sampling considering 362 students. Results: The knowledge that the students have about usage of the Moodle Virtual Platform in the Continental University is of 87%; 85% of students of the engeneering faculty demostrate that they know the obligatory of its use; and only 89% of business science faculty students. Respect to the usage frequency of the Moodle Virtual Platform, 34% of students from the engineering faculty makes daily use and in the business sciences faculty, 36% of students. The most used resource by students is the files download, which generally is about the class material that professors publish; then, the less used resource in the chat. Conclusions: Students use the Moodle Virtual Platform in its majority to make contents download transactions, such as file servers, then the use of the own resources of the Moodle Virtual Platform, designed to generate learning such as forums, chats, etc, they are of a little use.


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How to Cite
Peralta Santa Cruz, C., Calderon Sedano, C., & Rojas Moreno, C. (2011). Impact of the usage of the Moodle Virtual Platform in the teaching and learning process in the Continental University. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 1(2). Retrieved from
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