Didactic strategy based on shipibos songs to recover the Shipibo-Konibo language in initial education children, Ucayali

  • Ruth Mendivel Geronimo Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonia
  • Jesús Arias Huánuco Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica
  • Rosario Aguilar Melgarejo Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica
Keywords: Songs, didactic strategy, recovery, language and Shipibo Conibo


The objective of the research was to determine the influence of the songs as a didactic strategy in the recovery of the Shipibo Konibo language in the 5 year old children of the Initial Educational Institution Virgen de Fátima de Manantay in Pucallpa in 2015. The investigation was of the applied type, explanatory level and the experimental method was used. The study had a sample size of 45 children of 5 years of age, and for the measurement of the variable an observation card was used. The results on retrieval of the Shipibo Konibo language according to the pretest indicate that 46.67% of the sample are at a medium level; then 33.33% are at the low level, and only 20.00% are at a high level; in the post test it has that 66.67% are in the high level of recovery, then 33.33% are in a medium level and no child was in the low option. It is concluded that the songs as a didactic strategy has favorably and significantly influenced the recovery of the Shipibo Konibo language in the 5 year old children of the Initial Educational Institution Virgen de Fátima de Manantay; also the songs have favorably and significantly influenced the recovery of cultural identity; Its influence has also been identified as a didactic strategy in the recovery of the mother tongue.


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How to Cite
Mendivel Geronimo, R., Arias Huánuco, J., & Aguilar Melgarejo, R. (2016). Didactic strategy based on shipibos songs to recover the Shipibo-Konibo language in initial education children, Ucayali. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 6(2). https://doi.org/10.18259/acs.2016023
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