Administrative disciplinary processes and their impact on civil liability processes in the ESTP sector of Metropolitan Lima
The objective was to analyze how disciplinary administrative procedures (PAD) affect civil liability processes in the Public Technological Higher Education (ESTP) sector of Metropolitan Lima. Qualitative approach study, basic type, grounded theory design, was developed based on interviews and documentary analysis. The qualitative sample was made up of teachers, lawyers, experts, groups, knowledgeable about the reality of the sector, the same ones who constituted the observation units. The results show that PADs affect civil liability processes in the ESTP sector of Metropolitan Lima; that the sanctioning principles violated in the PAD are those of typicality, legality and due administrative procedure; and that the lack of experience, training, and knowledge of the legal professionals who carry out the sanctioning procedures leads to the majority of those administered being unfairly sanctioned. It is concluded that the PAD affects the civil liability processes in the ESTP sector of Metropolitan Lima, because failure to comply with the sanctioning principles such as typicality, the principle of due administrative process and legality leads to the initiation of the civil liability process in the sector.
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