Evaluation of academic performance in university students from attendance and virtual modality

  • Fernando Ñaupari Rafael
Keywords: Evaluation, modality, attendance, virtual, academic performance.


Objectives: To evaluate the attendance and virtual modalities’ impact in the academic performance for Universidad Continental students. Methods: Descriptive and crosssectional research, a comparative descriptive design was used, comparing indices related to academic performance in samples of students from the attendance modality and other from the virtual one in the Universidad Continental, professional academic schools of Business Management, Accounting, Law, Systems Engineering and Industrial Engineering. The data collection used the documental analysis technique, through promotional records from the academic cycle 2013-I. Results: In attendance modality, 10,7% of students achieved an average more than 14,5 while 33,1% obtained an average under 10,5. Also, almost half of the students have a lower approval rate than 80%, it means they approve less than 8 out of 10 subjects they study. In virtual modality, 9,6% achieved an average more than 14,5 while 55,7% obtained an average under 10,5. Also, almost 70% of students have a lower approval rate than 80%, it means they approve less than 8 out of 10 subjects they study. Conclusions: The academic performance of attendance modality and virtual modality students is low, characterized by a lower disapproval average of 10,5 and a low approval rate. Of these, the virtual modality presents academic performance at 69,5% and the attendance modality at 45,8%.


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How to Cite
Ñaupari Rafael, F. (2014). Evaluation of academic performance in university students from attendance and virtual modality. Apuntes De Ciencia & Sociedad, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.18259/acs.2014007
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